What I didn’t know I needed...

Hey Lovely,

I’ve noticed a new trend since working from home and while the intentions are good, right now, I just… can’t do it.

It’s social meetups on Zoom, or Teams or whatever.

After spending all day working with my team on Zoom conferences and meetings I don’t want to log on again in my spare time.

When I'm not working, I want to chill out with my boys and catch up with friends and family over the phone or messages, not sit in front of my computer again under the pretext of being “social.”

I love my friends dearly, but I’ve decided this has to go.

I know it sounds awful at first, but this is self-care in action.

About a week ago I realised that I had dropped the ball when it came to sticking to the routines that work for me in my work and personal life...

And let me tell you, routines that make me feel productive and allow me-time are definitely a form of self-care.

When I looked around at what was bringing me joy and what was causing more stress, I was able to assess what I needed to make more space for in my daily routine and what I needed to ditch immediately.

This month we have talked a lot about bringing our mind and body into the present moment to see what is working, and what is not.

And making changes when we notice those things.

It takes only a few minutes, the time it takes to drink your morning coffee to reflect on what’s working right now, and what needs to go.

If you need help assessing what's working for you right now, I have the perfect tool you need. Click here to download my free Wheel of Life Quiz for a bird's eye view of 8 key areas in your life.

The time you invest in becoming more present in your daily life will reward you exponentially with a sense of confidence and peace.

You will feel that you have the power to assess a situation at any time and expand upon the elements that are bringing you joy, growth and peace. And also subtract those things from your life that make you feel drained, frustrated or give you that ‘red-flag’ feeling we talked about in last week’s email.

This week I was reminded to ‘walk my talk’ as a Women’s Empowerment Coach and bring this practice back into focus for the benefit of my work-life balance.

If you’re curious what else I added this month, have a read of my latest journal post, 3 Things I Have Been Trying and 1 I’m Kicking to the Kerb.

And to help you with becoming mindful of what's working for you, I'm giving away the perfect grounding blend of essential oils to one lucky subscriber this week!


As always, I want to hear what is working for you and how my free weekly tips have made changes in your life.

Feel free to share this newsletter and giveaway with friends who will find this beneficial as well!

In joy


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